I use jquery zoom
to display the image of a tshirt and allow my users to zoom it.
Recently, i have added an option to select the color of the t-shirt. After clicking on a color, i have a script that will change the tshirt image with the corresponding color. The problem is that when a color is selected, the zoomed image will still use the default image (black color).
I need to find a way to tell jquery.zoom.js that the image has changed if the user clicked a color
You can test it yourself and see the problem here: https://www.no-gods-no-masters.com/test.php Just click on red color then move your mouse over the tshirt - the color is still black.
Source of the jquery plugin used here: https://www.ni-dieu-ni-maitre.com/scripts/jquery.zoom.js
Color-switching script:
type: "post",
url: "tshirt_ajax.php?checkshop=" + checkshop + "&checkproducttype=" + checkproducttype + "&stockcolor=" + stockcolor + "¤tsize=" + currentsize,
beforeSend: function(){
success: function(data){
$('#tshirtimg').attr('src', 'https://www.ni-dieu-ni-maitre.com/images/16176162_' + stockcolor + '_2/t-shirt-couleur.png');
Any ideas?