Routes should be unique and identifiable!
The problem with these Routes is that, basically, you created duplicate URLs not only does this cause problems with CakePHP picking the right route, Google doesn't like that as well; duplicated content will have a negative effect on your SEO ranking!
In order to pick the right URL (Route), CakePHP should be able to do so, based on its parameters; your current Routes do not offer any way to distinguish them.
And neither does your application!
All these URLs will present the same data;
Solution 1 - separate actions
If your application is limited to these three categories, the easiest solution is to create three actions, one per category;
class ListingsController extends AppController
const CATEGORY_NEW = 1;
const CATEGORY_USED = 2;
public $uses = array('Car');
public function forSaleCars()
$this->set('cars', $this->Paginator->paginate('Car', array('Car.category_id' => self::CATEGORY_FOR_SALE)));
public function newCars()
$this->set('cars', $this->Paginator->paginate('Car', array('Car.category_id' => self::CATEGORY_NEW)));
public function usedCars()
$this->set('cars', $this->Paginator->paginate('Car', array('Car.category_id' => self::CATEGORY_USED)));
array('controller' => 'listings', 'action' => 'forSaleCars')
array('controller' => 'listings', 'action' => 'newCars')
array('controller' => 'listings', 'action' => 'usedCars')
Solution 2 - Pass the 'category' as parameter
If the list of URLs to be used for the 'listings' will not be fixed and will expand, it may be better to pass the 'filter' as a parameter and include that in your routes;
'controller' => 'listings',
'action' => 'results',
// category: lowercase alphanumeric and dashes, but NO leading/trailing dash
'category' => '[a-z0-9]{1}([a-z0-9\-]{2,}[a-z0-9]{1})?',
// Mark category as 'persistent' so that the Html/PaginatorHelper
// will automatically use the current category to generate links
'persist' => array('category'),
// pass the category as parameter for the 'results' action
'pass' => array('category'),
Read about the Router API
In your controller:
class ListingsController extends AppController
public $uses = array('Car');
* Shows results for the specified category
* @param string $category
* @throws NotFoundException
public function results($category = null)
$categoryId = $this->Car->Category->field('id', array('name' => $category));
if (!$categoryId) {
throw new NotFoundException(__('Unknown category'));
$this->set('cars', $this->Paginator->paginate('Car', array('Car.category_id' => $categoryId)));
And, to create a link to a certain category;
$this->Html->link('New Cars',
'controller' => 'listings',
'action' => 'results',
'category' => 'new-cars'