I want to define dynamic form id for the following example form.
The following code doesn't give me the result I want. for example, instead of <form id="form1">
I get this result : <form id='form''1'>
How should I write it so it gives me the result I want? Thanks !!
while ($data = mysqli_fetch_array($subject)) {
echo "<form id='form'.'{$data['productID']}' method='post' action=' ' data-checktable='{$data['productID']}'>";
echo "<input type='checkbox' class='SelectAll'>All";
echo "<label><input type='checkbox' class='selector' value='{$data['product1']}'>" . $data['product1']."</label>";
echo "<label><input type='checkbox' class='selector' value='{$data['product2']}'>" . $data['product2']."</label>";
echo "</form>";