I've had a look around and can't find an answer specific to my needs...
This is the URL being sent back to my redirect page from an identity server: http://localhost/?code=92092c2f65560d835a73cda852393316&state=random_state&session_state=CEwifhoy_x1RJWH-DoV_9Q1yJVNUXV4z5YRGGuXsUvs.39c667f469b8f6585a9f699d0b7d76f3
I need to get the code between "code=" and "&state".
Then put it in the <> part of "grant_type=authorization_code&code=<>&redirect_uri=<>" so I can request a token. This part I can do, I just can't figure out how to get the code out of the URL.