I want to perform a specific action if all arrays in a multidimensional array meet a specific condition when two of their values are subtracted.
What loop could help me achieve this type of result as shown in my code below:
$array = Array(
[0] => Array("id" => 1, "value1" => 7, "value2" => 10),
[1] => Array("id" => 2, "value1" => 6, "value2" => 10),
[2] => Array("id" => 3, "value1" => 8, "value2" => 11),
[3] => Array("id" => 4, "value1" => 9, "value2" => 12),
[n] => Array( ...)
$val1 = $array[0]['value2'] - $array[0]['value1']; // 10 - 7 = 3
$val2 = $array[1]['value2'] - $array[1]['value1']; // 10 - 6 = 4
$val3 = $array[2]['value2'] - $array[2]['value1']; // 11 - 8 = 3
$val4 = $array[3]['value2'] - $array[3]['value1']; // 12 - 9 = 3
$valn = $array[n]...
if ($val1 < 5 && $val2 < 5 && $val3 < 5 && $val4 < 5 ... && valn < 5){
//from my example, the answer is TRUE for all
// Do this action
// Do something else