dpl22899 2017-04-11 05:58
浏览 47


This is my HTML code and I wanna replace <a> tag with <img> tag using DOMDocument.

<a href='xxx.com'><img src='yyy.jpg'></a>

Here is the PHP code:

$newNode=cj_DOMinnerHTML($link); //$link refer to anchor tag 
$image_dom = new DOMDocument();
$link->parentNode->replaceChild($image_dom, $link); //this replace making my parent node empty 

cj_DOMinnerHTML is function which return child nodes as HTML.

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  • ds78662302 2017-04-11 16:29

    Hello_ mate.

    If I understood you well you want to remove the <a> tags and I don't know what exactly your function cj_DOMinnerHTML is doing, but I see that your are passing instance of DOMDocument to replaceChild method as first argument which is wrong. Refer to documentation to see how exactly is replaceChild working (it accepts two arguments of type DOMNode). Anyway I give you a code snippet that is replacing the <a> tags. Please read the comments that I put in code and try to change the code for your use case.

    $html = '
    <div id="container">
        <a href="xxx.com"><img src="yyy.jpg"></a>
        <a href="aaa.com"><img src="aaa.jpg"></a>
        <a href="bbb.com"><img src="bbb.jpg"></a>
        <a href="ccc.com"><img src="ccc.jpg"></a>
        <a href="ddd.com"><img src="ddd.jpg"></a>
        <a href="eee.com"><img src="eee.jpg"></a>
    // load the dom document
    $dom = new \DOMDocument();
    if (!$dom->loadHTML($html)) {
        echo '<h2>Error handle this ...</h2>';
    // instantiate DOMXPath object
    $finder = new \DOMXPath($dom);
    // get all <a> tags of element that has id="container"
    $anchors = $finder->query("//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@id), ' '), 'container')]/descendant::a");
    // loop through all <a>
    foreach ($anchors as $a) {
        $parent = $a->parentNode;
        // the following row of code will actually remove the <a> tag
        $parent->replaceChild($a->childNodes->item(0), $a);
    // show output
    echo htmlspecialchars($dom->saveHTML());


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd"> 
            <div id="container"> 
                <img src="yyy.jpg"> 
                <img src="aaa.jpg"> 
                <img src="bbb.jpg"> 
                <img src="ccc.jpg"> 
                <img src="ddd.jpg"> 
                <img src="eee.jpg"> 

    I hope you will understand the code and you will be able to modify it to work for your needs.

    Good luck friend!

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