How to add Category and sub category in wordpress URL. In settings -> permalink settings i change my url structure as
but still url structure is product/postname/
how can i change this to
anyone can help?
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如何在wordpress URL中添加类别和子类别
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drmy1050 2017-03-21 00:59关注Make a category structure with parent and child categories, and use this code in the permalinks
while selecting a category just select the child category not main category and you will have a structure like this
for example if you have a structure like this main category Cars and sub categories are (Honda, Toyota, BMW) then while adding a post just select the sub categories whic are "Honda, Toyota, BMW" and post it
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- 2018-10-18 11:37回答 1 已采纳 Try combine: function rewrite_state_url(){ add_rewrite_rule('^get-help/([^/]*)/([^/]*)/([^/
- 2015-06-28 18:40回答 1 已采纳 Maybe it will help some one else with this answer. The right code is: $category = get_the_categor
- 2015-11-13 14:30回答 1 已采纳 Type cast your value to prevent it being used as a string. $kategori = $_POST['kategori']; wp_set
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- 2018-07-04 01:05回答 1 已采纳 I have worked it out. If anyone needs similar thing i am posting how i converted the code i posted
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- 2017-01-05 09:35回答 1 已采纳 Can you please try below code. do not use the_category display all category in which post assign t
- 2018-01-16 23:57回答 1 已采纳 Try like this. global $post; $pageUrl = get_permalink($post->ID); if (!(is_user_logged_in())
- 2014-09-30 00:38回答 1 已采纳 There is also the Wordpress function in_category
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