douguang9014 2017-02-24 05:55
浏览 41

PHP PDO通过in_array()方法比较数组元素是行不通的

I need to compare element from an array to another array with in_array() method:

$oldAttachedObjs = array();//this array need to be compare with single element of other loop     

$sqlObjAttached = "SELECT sno,ins_sno,obj_sno FROM cases_objections WHERE ins_sno = :ins_sno";
$paramObj = array(':ins_sno'=>$ins_sno);

    foreach($db->getRecordSet($sqlObjAttached,$paramObj) as $o){
        $oldAttachedObjs[] = $o;

Now i want to compare the above array elements with each element in the iterated loop over the following loop

    $sqlChildren = "SELECT sno,obj_sno,child_lbl FROM list_objection_children WHERE is_active = 1 AND obj_sno = :obj_sno ORDER BY sno ASC";                                    
    $param = array(':obj_sno'=>$obj['sno']);                               

        foreach($db->getRecordSet($sqlChildren,$param) as $ch){

<ul class="obj_ul">
         <div class="checkbox checkbox-primary">
         <?php print_r($oldAttachedObjs[0]); ?>
             <input type="checkbox" <?php if(in_array($ch['sno'],$oldAttachedObjs['obj_sno'])){ ?> checked <?php //} ?> value="1" id="chk_<?php echo($ch['sno']);?>" name="chk_<?php echo($ch['sno']);?>" class="styled">
             <label style="font-weight: normal !important;" for="chk_<?php echo($ch['sno']);?>"><?php echo($ch['child_lbl']); ?></label>


in fact it populate the following array:

Array ( 
    [0] => Array ( [sno] => 1 [0] => 1 [ins_sno] => 2 [1] => 2 [obj_sno] => 3 [2] => 3 ),
    [1] => Array ( [sno] => 2 [0] => 2 [ins_sno] => 2 [1] => 2 [obj_sno] => 49 [2] => 49 ), 
    [2] => Array ( [sno] => 3 [0] => 3 [ins_sno] => 2 [1] => 2 [obj_sno] => 52 [2] => 52 ),
    [3] => Array ( [sno] => 5 [0] => 5 [ins_sno] => 2 [1] => 2 [obj_sno] => 54 [2] => 54 ) 

but i have no luck to compare, because the array contained with another array and i don't know what to do with this now ?

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  • doukuanyong1939 2017-02-24 07:45

    You need to loop through the parent array to compare to the inner arrays.

    foreach($oldAttachedObjs as $objs){
        if(in_array('what you are looking for', $objs){
            //it is in the array, do what you want
            //it is not in the array, deal with it accordingly

    This way you'll be able to check wether whatever you're looking for is inside one of the results you got from the database

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