Hi this is my query from this query i am getting 3 records i want only one record and i am trying to group by studentid
foreach ($gdFinaldata['gdskill'] as $skillId => $skillScore){
$filterQuery .= $union_all. "SELECT stu.student_pid
FROM tbl_students stu LEFT JOIN r_job_invitations jbi ON stu.student_email = jbi.email
LEFT JOIN r_job_scores jsc ON jsc.student_id = stu.student_pid
WHERE job_id = ".$jobID." AND skill_id = ".$skillId." AND gd_score >= ".$skillScore." ";
$union_all=" UNION ALL ";
} //for ends here
the recodrs will come like this:
SELECT stu.student_pid FROM tbl_students stu LEFT JOIN r_job_invitations jbi ON stu.student_email = jbi.email LEFT JOIN r_job_scores jsc ON jsc.student_id = stu.student_pid WHERE job_id = 88 AND skill_id = 3 AND gd_score >= 1
SELECT stu.student_pid FROM tbl_students stu LEFT JOIN r_job_invitations jbi ON stu.student_email = jbi.email LEFT JOIN r_job_scores jsc ON jsc.student_id = stu.student_pid WHERE job_id = 88 AND skill_id = 63 AND gd_score >= 2
SELECT stu.student_pid FROM tbl_students stu LEFT JOIN r_job_invitations jbi ON stu.student_email = jbi.email LEFT JOIN r_job_scores jsc ON jsc.student_id = stu.student_pid WHERE job_id = 88 AND skill_id = 128 AND gd_score >= 3
After this i want to add group by how can i do that i tried like this:
$groupby = "GROUP BY student_id";
$filterStudents = $conn->query($filterQuery.$groupby);
My issue is still returning 3 records i want to group by student