Ok, this is easy, but I don't know why mine is not checking it!
I have an if statement
that checks if an array is empty, if it's empty it should skip it, but all tries made not to skip it.
Here is the code:
$quizCounter = 0;
foreach ($quizzes as $key => $quiz) {
if (!is_null($quiz['quiz_data'])) {
echo "---->" . $key . "<BR>";
$result = 0;
$quizData = unserialize($quiz['quiz_data']);
$quizTimestamp = date("d-m-Y", strtotime($quiz['time_stamp']));
echo "Quiz: ";
echo "<BR>";
echo "Quiz Data: ";
echo "<BR>";
echo "Var Dump: ";
echo "<BR>";
// Quiz marks
if(!empty($quizData['marks'])) {
foreach ($quizData['marks'] as $key => $marks) {
$mark[$key] = $marks;
echo "Mark: ";
echo var_dump($marks) . "<BR>";
$result += $marks;
$markCounter = (count($mark) == 0) ? 1 : count($mark);
$quizResult[$quizCounter] = $result / $markCounter;
And here is the result that I need to skip:
Quiz: array(4) { ["quiz_data"]=> string(41) "a:2:{s:4:"ques";a:0:{}s:5:"marks";a:0:{}}" [0]=> string(41) "a:2:{s:4:"ques";a:0:{}s:5:"marks";a:0:{}}" ["time_stamp"]=> string(26) "0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000" [1]=> string(26) "0000-00-00 00:00:00.000000" }
Quiz Data: array(2) { ["ques"]=> array(0) { } ["marks"]=> array(0) { } }
Var Dump: array(0) { }
How may I skip this array?