I am trying to insert an array of row in database and every row of array contain 3 another rows.
foreach($type as $a=>$b)
$sql="INSERT INTO `actual_regular` (`employee`, `sex`, `caste`, `family`, `local`, `worked_month`, `incash`, `total_salary`) VALUES ('$type[$a]', '$sex_actual[$a]', '$caste_actual[$a]', '$family_actual[$a]', '$employee_actual[$a]', '$worked_month[$a]', '$cash_actual[$a]', '$salary_actual[$a]');";
Above will insert array of rows. Every rows contain 3 rows that will be inserted in new table
$insert = "INSERT INTO `more_regular` (`product_detail`, `unit`, `quantity`, `price`) VALUES ('$detail_product[0]', '$unit[0]', '$quantity[0]', '$price[0]');";
$insert = "INSERT INTO `more_regular` (`product_detail`, `unit`, `quantity`, `price`) VALUES ( '$detail_product[1]', '$unit[1]', '$quantity[1]', '$price[1]');";
$insert = "INSERT INTO `more_regular` (`product_detail`, `unit`, `quantity`, `price`) VALUES ('$detail_product[2]', '$unit[2]', '$quantity[2]', '$price[2]');";
} // above foreach ends here
I mean there are multiple rows need to be inserted in table actual_regular
every rows contain 3 more rows. These 3 rows are inserted in table more_regular