doudongdang4483 2016-03-07 04:43
浏览 51

PHP SOAP调用客户端函数

I need call soap client functions without libraries(nusoap , zendframework , laravel) I only should to work with php native because is a requiriment for the another proyect more important on the future so for the moment I just practice with a simple public Web Service from Here( ) , but I need Help.I try to call client soap functions but I recive this error:

Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Procedure or function 'getWCity' expects parameter '@CountryName', which was not supplied. at WebServicex.GlobalWeather.GetCitiesByCountry(String CountryName) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/php-soap/soap/Client.php:41 Stack trace: #0 /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/php-soap/soap/Client.php(41): SoapClient->__soapCall('GetCitiesByCoun...', Array) #1 {main} thrown in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/php-soap/soap/Client.php on line 41

This is my server Class:

class ServerSoap extends SoapServer{
  public function __construct(){
    $params= array('encoding'=>'UTF-8','soap_version' => SOAP_1_2);
      public function fault ($code, $string, $actor = null, $details = null, $name = null) {
          throw new SoapFault($code, $string, $actor, $details, $name);
$server = new ServerSoap();

This is my client class:

class Client extends SoapClient{
  public function __construct(){
$params_client = array(
  'trace' => TRUE,
  $this->server = new SoapServer($wsdl_client,$params_client);
  public function disableClient(){
    $old_location = $this->instance->__setLocation();
    return $old_location;

$client = new Client();
$client->__soapCall("GetCitiesByCountry", array("CountryName"=>$country));
echo $client->__getLastResponse();

Please Help me.

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  • doufu8588 2016-07-19 16:28

    Following the wsdl provided, I think the right way to call it is

        'GetCitiesByCountry' => [
            'CountryName' => $country

    One thing is the GetCitiesByCountry SOAP action, and another is the GetCitiesByCountry element.

    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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