I have not been able to successfully submit a form I am working on in Chrome or Firefox. The form works in Safari, however.
I just started trying to use PHP last week and modified code from this post on CSS Tricks. I am trying to give the session a random token, store that token in a variable, set that token to a hidden input field, and then make sure the two match when the form is submitted.
The problem is that the session token that is created doesn't match the token assigned as a value to the hidden input. When the form is submitted, a new session token is recreated and thus doesn't match the original random number from the session. The curious thing is that it works in Safari and not other browsers.
function generateFormToken($form) {
// generate a token from an unique value, took from microtime, you can also use salt-values, other crypting methods...
$token = md5(uniqid(microtime(), true));
// Write the generated token to the session variable to check it against the hidden field when the form is sent
$_SESSION[$form.'_token'] = $token;
echo $token;
return $token;
function verifyFormToken($form) {
// check if a session is started and a token is transmitted, if not return an error
if(!isset($_SESSION[$form.'_token'])) {
return false;
// check if the form is sent with token in it
if(!isset($_POST['token'])) {
return false;
// compare the tokens against each other if they are still the same
if ($_SESSION[$form.'_token'] !== $_POST['token']) {
return false;
return true;
function check_input($data)
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;
if (verifyFormToken('form1')) {
$name = check_input($_POST["name"]);
$email = check_input($_POST["emailaddress"]);
$message = check_input($_POST["message"]);
$ForwardTo = 'me@gmail.com';
$details='Name: '.$name."
".'Email: '.$email."
".'Message: '.$message."
//do stuff
mail($ForwardTo,"Construction of Hope Contact",$details,"From:$email");
The related form:
<!--Markup for Contact form-->
<form action='index.php' method='post' class='contact-format'>
<p><input type="hidden" name="token" value="<?php echo $newToken; ?>"></p>
<button type="submit" name='submit' class="btn btn-primary button">Send</button>