I've created a laravel 5.2 project. I added a database, and some basic views and controllers (Note: I think this is my problem). I then ran the artisan make:auth command. It ran successfully. Despite me already having a login and home view and controller.
I can view laravel's premade 'home' page on my localhost. But once I click the login or register link, things break and I get,
"No supported encrypter found. The cipher and / or key length are invalid."
I've de-bugged this and insured my keys are correct and in the appropriate places.
This is my routes.php
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () {
Route::group(['middleware' => 'web'], function () {
Route::get('/home', 'HomeController@index');
I obviously have no route here for login or register, but shouldn't make:auth create routing behind the scenes? From what I've read, this should have worked out of the box. What am I missing here? Any help would be great,