duanheye7423 2015-11-02 22:29
浏览 70

是否可以在RESTful Symfony应用程序中分离Controller和View?

I am thinking about using Symfony to create a RESTful api. I want my app to only accept json and/or xml and just output either. I want my frontend to be completely separate in a separate directory.

Disclaimer: I know most frameworks only claim to be MVC, and that the definition/principles of MVC vary from developer to developer. Therefore, I've laid out my understanding of MVC.

How I picture MVC (taken from Martin Fowler):

Essential dependencies between model, view, and controller. (I call this essential because in fact the view and controller do link to each other directly, but developers mostly don't use this fact.)

  • Make a strong separation between presentation (view & controller) and domain (model)
  • Controller and view should (mostly) not communicate directly but through the model.
  • Have views (and controllers) observe the model to allow multiple widgets to update without needed to communicate directly - Observer Synchronization.

In Symfony, the Controller returns a Response, and there really isn't a View class. They sort of combined the two.

My questions are:

  • Is it possible to separate the controller into a controller and view?
  • Can you make the controller not return something?
  • Possible to not have any html/templates within the app/bundle?
    • As I stated earlier, I want to keep frontend completely separate, therefore, I wouldn't use twig. I would use JS, SASS, React, etc. for my frontend stuff to make ajax calls to my Symfony api.
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  • drxnfdx798517235 2015-11-02 22:41

    What you are trying to do is a pretty standard architecture.

    You do not need to use templates but your controllers have to return "something". If you are handling the view in the front-end, this would be just the data needed to create this view, usually in the form of json

    Symfony can do this, no problem

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