I'm sending an Ajax request to the database to retrieve all data from a particular MySQL table. I'm getting the result successfully. However, the result I'm getting is the stdClass object. Now I'm confused how to access them using jQuery to output them into my page.
// fetch.php
// Display particular SMS by sid
$result = $database->get_by_sid($_POST['sid']);
// Rendering the result to Ajax
foreach ( $result as $message ) {
// main.js
url: '/admin/fetch.php',
data: 'sid=' + sid,
method: 'POST',
beforeSend: function () {
complete: function () {
success: function (data) {
error: function () {
Materialize.toast('Cannot send the request. Please try again later or refresh the page', 4000);
return falsel
And I'm getting the result like the following PHP stdClass object format:
// console
stdClass Object
[id] => 1
[user_name] => admin
[phone_number] => +16469267421
[from] => +16469267421
[body] => Hi Ngrok
[sid] => SM1fe8a7a5a65261a7ebc765e020b1d89a
[time] => 2015-09-03 06:18:13
[status] => received
stdClass Object
[id] => 2
[user_name] => admin
[phone_number] => +16469267421
[from] => +16469267421
[body] => Okay. so the request is perfect :)
[sid] => SM4b4d9fc928e12e3ddbf63df6204fb4cd
[time] => 2015-09-03 06:20:19
[status] => received
stdClass Object
[id] => 3
[user_name] => admin
[phone_number] => +16469267421
[from] => +16469267421
[body] => Wow, I'm really happy to see this now :)
[sid] => SM4704dff6517c02e284cbfe812730917c
[time] => 2015-09-03 06:21:06
[status] => received
stdClass Object
[id] => 4
[user_name] => admin
[phone_number] => +16469267421
[from] => +16469267421
[body] => I hope everything is now working correctly as expected.
[sid] => SM6577ca7e346551486d2572acfe99aec0
[time] => 2015-09-03 06:32:22
[status] => received
stdClass Object
[id] => 5
[user_name] => admin
[phone_number] => +16469267421
[from] => +16469267421
[body] => Hi, Good morning :)
[sid] => SM7f3d9adbfd1274c58efaaeb9a3aca013
[time] => 2015-09-03 07:02:30
[status] => received
So, I wish to know how you can actually access the result as an Javascipt object to output like: data.body