douzhang2680 2015-08-11 19:50
浏览 46


I'm getting into frameworks and I'm using CI so i can more familiar with OOP. In the static pages tutorial in the pages controller I am told to copy this code


class Pages extends CI_Controller {

    public function view($page = 'home') {

        if (!file_exists(APPPATH . '/views/pages' . $page . '.php')) {

            // we dont have a page for that!

        $data['title'] = ucfirst($page); //Capitilize the first letter

        $this->load->view('templates/header', $data);
        $this->load->view('pages/' . $page, $data);
        $this->load->view('templates/footer', $data);


in the if statement its blocking the pages I'm trying to load such as about.php and index.php

when I remove the ! in the if statement I'm able to render the about.php and index.php which is good, I'm able to load my pages according to the tutorial, but if I type in something random like asdasd.php i don't get the 404 error I get an AN ERROR WAS ENCOUNTERED Unable to load the requested file: pages/asdasd.php

How can i go about fixing this issue, having CI display the 404 when the file isn't there.


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  • duanluo9369 2015-08-11 20:03

    It seems the issue is in the path in your file_exists call.

    You need to add a / (slash) just after /pages in the following line:

    if (!file_exists(APPPATH . '/views/pages' . $page . '.php')) {
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