Your index.php file is unnecessary.
Your second file is incomplete. Here is the example from the docs for their "hello world" class file:
class HelloWorld
function HelloWorld()
$this->methodTable = array
"say" => array
"access" => "remote",
"description" => "Pings back a message"
function say($sMessage)
return 'You said: ' . $sMessage;
This file should be saved as "HelloWorld" matching the "class HelloWorld" you have named in the php file (you did this part right with FlashMe).
The example file in the docs for the Flash piece (in actionscript) is here:
import mx.remoting.*;
import mx.rpc.*;
import mx.remoting.debug.NetDebug;
var gatewayUrl:String = "http://localhost/flashservices/gateway.php"
var _service:Service = new Service(gatewayUrl, null, 'HelloWorld', null , null);
var pc:PendingCall = _service.say("Hello world!");
pc.responder = new RelayResponder(this, "handleResult", "handleError");
function handleResult(re:ResultEvent)
trace('The result is: ' + re.result);
function handleError(fe:FaultEvent)
trace('There has been an error');
The gateway URL should go to wherever your services can be reached. I'm sure if you try a few you'll find the right one. The neat thing about amfphp is that it allows you to also test your services out before you try implementing them in the gateway (if you go to the URL in your browser).
I'm pretty new to AMFPHP as well, but I've found the docs to be extraordinarily useful. If you need more help on classes, you can find more info on the PHP docs page.