I wanted to create an error when a specific value of $_POST['MAG'] is selected and the input type next to it isn't given.
I've tried to use other methods like if, else, foreach, for, and I still can't seem to get the right coding. I need really need help.
Its my first time coding and i'm taking online classes so its a bit difficult to get help from classmates or teacher
<form method="post" action="">
Select which magazine and type qty of subscriptions:<br><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="MAG[]" value="TREASURE"><b>Treasure Magazine</b> | Qty of Subscriptions: <input type="number" name="TNUMSUBS" size="5px">
<input type="checkbox" name="MAG[]" value="VESSEL"><b>Vessel Magazine</b> | Qty of Subscriptions: <input type="number" name="VNUMSUBS" size="5px">
<input type="checkbox" name="MAG[]" value="MECH"><b>MECH Magazine</b> | Qty of Subscriptions: <input type="number" name="MNUMSUBS" size="5px">
<p><input type="submit" name="submit"></p>
if (isset($_POST["submit"]))
$vNumSubs = $_POST['VNUMSUBS'];
$tNumSubs = $_POST['TNUMSUBS'];
$mNumSubs = $_POST['MNUMSUBS'];
print "You didn't select a magazine";
foreach($_POST['MAG'] as $magazine)
if($magazine == "TREASURE" && empty($tNumSubs))
print "type quantity";
if($magazine == "VESSEL" && empty($vNumSubs))
print "type quantity";
if($magazine == "MECH" && empty($mNumSubs))
print "type quantity";
I tried using the empty() and i'm having a hard time makign it show. please help