How can I retrieve the first name instead of name (raw username) or realname, so I can use it in an email template variable !username?
$variables['!username'] = $params['account']->realname;
Not sure if that relates to realname or perhaps where 'account' is defined to something...?
I created a field for first name that gets pulled by LDAP to provide for realname and have the token [user:field-first-name].
Can I pull this from the token somehow?
Update - code where user load is used:
$account = user_load($expert->uid);
$params = array(
'category' => is_object($term)?$term->tid:-1,
'question' => $node->title,
'question_details' => $node->detailed_question,
'nid' => $node->nid,
'creator' => theme('username', array('account' => user_load($node->uid), 'plain' => TRUE)),
'account' => $account,
I tried
$account = user_load($expert->uid);
$first_name = $account->field_first_name['und'][0]['value'];
$params = array(
'category' => is_object($term)?$term->tid:-1,
'question' => $node->title,
'question_details' => $node->detailed_question,
'nid' => $node->nid,
'creator' => theme('username', array('account' => user_load($node->uid), 'plain' => TRUE)),
'account' => $first_name,