Our code sends twilio sms messages by doing the following:
// send the text message to the member's mobile phone
try {
// attempt to send the message through Twilio
$tw_msg = $twilio_client->messages->create(
array (
'From' => "+1".$org['twilio_number'],
'Body' => $txtmsg,
'StatusCallback' => CALLBACK_LINK.'/text_message_handler.php'
// else trap the error since the message could not be sent and the callback routine is not called
} catch (Exception $e) {
// process the text message error
process_text_msg_error($db, $e, $org, $msg, $recipient);
In the v4 library we would get the error code by doing the following:
// get the twilio error components
$twilio_error_status = $e->getStatus();
$twilio_error_code = $e->getCode();
$twilio_error_msg = $e->getMessage();
This is not giving us what we expected using the V5 library. How do we get the error status and code using the V5 lib?