Im trying to use the following curl sample to send 2 mail to the user and the owner. If I want to send the mail with thefollowing code in php how will I be able to do it? Actually, the sample code is from a service called sendinblue. I would love to hear from you!
curl -H 'api-key:your_access_key' -X POST -d '{"cc":["":"cc whom!"],"text":"This is the text","bcc":["":"bcc whom!"],"replyto":["","reply to!"],"html":"This is the <h1>HTML</h1>This is inline image 1.<br/><img src=\"{myinlineimage1.png}\" alt=\"image1\" border=\"0\"><br/>Some text<br/>This is inline image 2.<br/><img src=\"{myinlineimage2.jpg}\" alt=\"image2\" border=\"0\"><br/>Some more text<br/>Re-used inline image 1.<br/><img src=\"{myinlineimage1.png}\" alt=\"image3\" border=\"0\">","to":{"":"to whom!"},"attachment": {"myfilename.pdf":"your_pdf_files_base64_encoded_chunk_data"},"from":["","from email!"],"subject":"My subject","headers":{"Content-Type":"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1", "X-param1":"value1","X-param2":"value2", "X-Mailin-custom":"my custom value","X-Mailin-IP":"", "X-Mailin-Tag":"My tag"},"inline_image":{"myinlineimage1.png":"your_png_files_base64_encoded_chunk_data", "myinlineimage2.jpg":"your_jpg_files_base64_encoded_chunk_data"}}' '
Want to send the following data
$senddata = array (
'to' => array(''=>''),
'from' => array($fromvalue,$fromvalue),
'replyto' => array("",""),
'subject' => "subject",
'text' => "text",
'html' => '',
'fromname' => $fromnamevalue,
'bcc' => 'bcc'