I am trying to populate my Datatable with data from MySQL but can't figure out how to do so. I want to be able to populate the DataTable once directed to the page, then user can click on a row and use that row's data for the next page the user will be redirected to. This is what I have so far:
<table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td> Placeholder1</td>
<td> Placeholder2</td>
<td> Placeholder3</td>
<td> Placeholder1</td>
<td> Placeholder2</td>
<td> Placeholder3</td>
<td> Placeholder1</td>
<td> Placeholder2</td>
<td> Placeholder3</td>
$(document).ready(function() {
var table = $('#example').DataTable();
$('#example tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () {
var data = table.row( this ).data();
alert( 'You clicked on '+data[0]+'\'s row' );
} );
} );
$sql = "SELECT ID, Name, Age, Gender FROM DBTABLE";
$response = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
echo '<table>';
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($response))
echo '<tr><td align="left">' .
$row['Name'] . '</td><td align="left">' .
$row['Age'] '</td><td align="left">' .
$row['Gender'] . '</td><td align="left">';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
echo "Couldn’t issue database query<br />";
echo mysqli_error($db);
// Close connection to the database