This may have been asked before but i have not been able to find it.
I have created a dropdown list in a form to show a selection from a database.
I am then sending that information via $_POST
to another page.
But i am only getting the one result (eg plantID).
$result = mysqli_query($mysqli,$sql)or die(mysqli_error());
//********************* Botannical name drop down box
echo "<form name='selection' id='selection' action='profile.php' method='post'>";
echo "<select name='flower'>";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$plantid = $row['FlowerID'];
$plantname = $row['Botannical_Name'];
$plantcommon = $row['Common_Name'];
$plantheight = $row['Height'];
$plantav = $row['AV'];
$plantcolours = $row['Colours'];
$plantflowering = $row['Flower_Time'];
$plantspecial = $row['Special_Conditions'];
$plantfrost = $row['Frost_Hardy'];
$plantaspect = $row['Aspect'];
$plantspeed = $row['Growth_Speed'];
echo "<option value=".$plantid.">".$plantname." -> AKA -> ".$plantcommon."</option>";
echo "</select>";
echo "<br />";
//********************* End of form
echo "<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit'/>";
echo "</form>";
Is there any way i can send all the data via post or can i somehow get the required PlantID from the database and show all the information for that record in a table on the second page. Hope this makes sense to someone out there :D