dongye6377 2017-02-28 14:54
浏览 16


I use a twig template directory at $SFROOT/var/cache/$ENVIRONMENT/templates to store generated twig templates.

In the twig configuration, i added this directory so templates are found.

When clearing the cache, the directory is not created automatically

All console commands, including composer post-install cache-clear hooks, fail because twig requires that directory to exist, but after a cache clear it doesn't.

How to I ensure the directory gets created after the cache is cleared?

I'm looking for some sort of dependencyinjection to add a hook to post-cache-clear (google returned nothing) with a mkdir command, but am unable to find out how to achieve that

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  • douye8500 2017-02-28 15:19

    You can create a Custom Cache Warmer

    // src/Acme/MainBundle/Cache/MyCustomWarmer.php
    namespace AppBundle\Cache;
    use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\CacheWarmer\CacheWarmerInterface;
    class MyCustomWarmer implements CacheWarmerInterface
        public function warmUp($cacheDir)
            // ... do some sort of operations to "warm" your cache
        public function isOptional()
            return false;

    custom service:

            class: AppBundle\Cache\MyCustomWarmer
                - { name: kernel.cache_warmer, priority: 0 }
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