I'm trying to put a value from javascript into a form action in Yii2 is it possible? More specifically I need to make a URL change for each option that is selected in a dropdownList.
form in views/site.php
$form = ActiveForm::begin([
'id' => 'form',
'method' => 'POST',
'action' => Url::to(['programas/'.Tours::findOne(['pk' => ])->programa]),
<?= $form->field(new \app\models\Tours(), 'nombre')->dropDownList([],
'prompt' => 'Programa',
'id' => 'child1_child2',
'onchange' => 'updateValue(this.value)',
)->label(false); ?>
Js file
function updateValue(val){
x = document.getElementById("test").value;
// document.getElementById("form").action = "programas/";
So, I rescue the value from the selected option with JS but I need to put it in here 'pk' => 'value'
where value is the #child1_child2 selected option value.
'action' => Url::to(['programas/'.Tours::findOne(['pk' => ])->programa])
Thanks for the help.