I'm trying to insert values to mysql database table called pointofcontact and then retrieve the primary key called pocid to insert to another table called students.
Somehow my code always return the pocid to be 0 and i have no idea why. Gladly to get some help. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here is my code:
$query="insert into pointofcontact(Username,Password,FirstName,LastName,ContactNumber,EmailAddress,Address,Gender,Status,BackupContactNumber,ProfilePic) values ('$username','$password','$firstname','$lastname','$mobilenumber','$email','$address','$gender','Normal','$backup','$attch')";
if($con->query($query) === TRUE)
$query2="select POCID from pointofcontact where username= '$username'";
if($result2 ->num_rows > 0)
while($row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc())
$pocid = $row2['POCID'];
$query3= "insert into student(StudentFirstName, StudentLastName, Allergies, NRIC, POCID) values ('$cfirstname','$clastname','$callergies','$cnric','$POCID')";
if($con->query($query3) === TRUE)
echo "error";