I am a beginner with symfony and got a question.
I am trying to do an email validation from thenewbostom.
In the guide he says that you need to put the php file in the .post function. With normal PHP I could've done this easily but with the different map structure, I don't know.
Can someone give me a right direction?
My twig (only the email input with span)
<input id="autocomplete" type="text" name="email" class="autocomplete validate">
<span id="email_feedback"></span>
My js (that I linked in the twig file and the post function)
function validate_email (email) {
$.post(/*php file is supoosed to be here*/,{ email:email}, function (data) {
$('#autocomplete').focusin(function () {
if ($('#autocomplete').val() === '') {
$('#email_feedback').text('Type een geldige email');
} else {
}).blur(function () {
}).keyup(function () {
And for the last my php file
* @Route("/")
public function indexAction()
if (isset($_POST['email'])) {
$email = $_POST['email'];
echo $email;
return $this->render('BontekoeCinemaBundle:Default:index.html.twig');