I will try to be as thorough as possible with this question.
To start, I have the following struct defined in my code:
struct LogInfo {
var logNumber: Int
var species: String
var diameter: Float
var formClass: Int
var numLogs: Float
var boardFootage: Double
static func jsonArray(array : [LogInfo]) -> String {
return "[" + array.map {$0.jsonRepresentation}.joinWithSeparator(",") + "]"
var jsonRepresentation : String {
return "{\"logNumber\":\"\(logNumber)\",\"species\":\"\(species)\",\"diameter\":\"\(diameter)\",\"formClass\":\"\(formClass)\",\"numLogs\":\"\(boardFootage)\"}"
This basically creates a JSON representation of the defined struct.
In another part of my code, I am composing a JSON string with the following:
let sessionConfig = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
let session = NSURLSession(configuration: sessionConfig, delegate: nil, delegateQueue: nil)
guard let URL = NSURL(string: "http://logster.dynamiscms.com/jsonTest.php") else {return}
let request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: URL)
request.HTTPMethod = "POST"
// Headers
request.addValue("application/json; charset=utf-8", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
//Get the JSON Array from the Struct
let jsonArray = LogInfo.jsonArray(logArray)
// Compose the JSON Body
let bodyObject = [
"propertyOwner": "\(propertyOwner)",
"propertyID": "\(propertyID)",
"scaledBy": "\(scaledBy)",
"acres": "\(acres)",
"notes": "\(notes)",
"logDetails": jsonArray
Everything up to this point basically takes 5 variables that were passed into my segue, and then appends the JSON that was prepared in the struct.
I want to pass that JSON that I compiled to a PHP script, which will then parse that JSON and eventually store it into a database.
I am not getting any errors in my code - but the JSON is not being prepared properly, which is causing me to be unable to parse through it in PHP.
Based on this code, I AM able to parse the first five values (propertyOwner, propertyID, scaledBy, acres and notes) with PHP. However, when I get into the array of details, I cannot get into those nested values.
It looks like when I pass it into my PHP script, it is spitting out this as the JSON (which I realize is not valid JSON):
"notes": "This is a test.",
"propertyID": "Beam Residence",
"acres": "1",
"scaledBy": "Andy Spencer",
"propertyOwner": "Jim Beam",
"logDetails": "
{\"logNumber\":\"1\",\"species\":\"White Pine\",\"diameter\":\"18.0\",\"formClass\":\"78\",\"numLogs\":\"124.56227\"},
Is anybody able to help me make sense of what I am missing?