I know I can do something like:
SELECT * FROM Customer
which returns the following objects.
- Active
- AlternatePhone
- Balance
- BalanceWithJobs
- BillAddr
- BillWithParent
- CompanyName
- CurrencyRef
- DefaultTaxCodeRef
- DisplayName
- FullyQualifiedName
- Id
- Job
- MetaData
- PreferredDeliveryMethod
- PrimaryEmailAddr
- PrimaryPhone
- PrintOnCheckName
- ShipAddr
- SyncToken
- Taxable
I tried limiting my query to:
which worked great, but for some reason I cannot do:
SELECT ShipAddr FROM Customer
. No data is returned.
I've learned SELECT DisplayName, Id FROM Customer
works but nothing else does.
Is there a way I can request the following data only and nothing else:
SELECT AlternativePhone, BillAddr, CompanyName, DisplayName, Id, PrimaryEmailAddr, PrimaryPhone, ShipAddr FROM Customer