douqian3712 2015-06-24 13:03
浏览 82

在Vagrant机器上查找xDebug时,PhpStorm 8 Interpreter读错了php.ini

I've been trying to set up xDebug with Vagrant and PhpStorm 8. It is supposed to simplify the process a lot, but for me it was exactly the opposite. In PhpStorm 8 we can set up Interpreters on a Vagrant maching. This is my setup.

enter image description here

The connection is set up - no problem here, the PHP binary is also found and responding. However, you can see the message Debugger: Not installed.

PhpStorm does not detect xDebug because it is looking at the CLI config file (/etc/php5/cli/php.ini) instead of /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini, where debugger is installed.

I find it rather strange that it would look for the Cli config while it is usually a different config file for web servers.

How can I make PhpStorm detect the debugger? Should I copy all configuration from /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini to /etc/php5/cli/php.ini (these are substantially different in my remote environment and I want to keep them different). Has anyone encountered the same prblem?

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  • douqiangchuai7674 2015-06-24 13:14

    Well, PS is supposed to look at the Cli config, because it executes the PHP binary other SSH. I have a separate ini file for each PHP Module and I use the same in Web Server and Cli configuration. In my php5/cli/conf.d folder I have symlinks pointing to the modules in my mods-available folder.

    |-- cli
    |   |-- conf.d
    |   |   |-- 05-opcache.ini -> ../../mods-available/opcache.ini
    |   |   |-- 10-mysqlnd.ini -> ../../mods-available/mysqlnd.ini
    |   |   |-- 10-pdo.ini -> ../../mods-available/pdo.ini
    |   -- php.ini
    |-- mods-available
        |-- curl.ini
        |-- gearman.ini
        |-- imagick.ini
        |-- intl.ini
        |-- mcrypt.ini
        |-- mongo.ini
        |-- mysqli.ini
        |-- mysql.ini
        |-- mysqlnd.ini
        |-- opcache.ini
        |-- pdo.ini
        |-- pdo_mysql.ini
        |-- readline.ini
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