I am trying to filter my results through Age range. In my db, I have a table which has a column 'dob', so I am trying to use AGE function of postgreSql to get the age from 'dob'. But it's not working. Following is my code.
<div class="form-group">
<label> Filter by Age</label>
<div class="input-group">
<input id="start-age" type="text" name="from-age" class="form-control" placeholder="from" />
<input id="end-age" type="text" name="to-age" class="form-control" placeholder="to" />
$(document).ready(function() {
$('body').on('change', '#end-age', function () {
var from_age = $('#start-age').val();
var to_age = $(this).val();
var queryString1;
var queryString2;
if(location.search && from_age != -1 && to_age != -1){
queryString1 = getQueryObj(location.search);
queryString2 = getQueryObj(location.search);
queryString1[i] = decodeURIComponent(e);
queryString2[i] = decodeURIComponent(e);
queryString1.from_filter = from_age;
queryString2.to_filter = to_age;
} else if(from_age == -1 && to_age == -1){
queryString1 = getQueryObj(location.search);
queryString2 = getQueryObj(location.search);
delete queryString1.from_filter;
delete queryString2.to_filter;
} else {
queryString1 = {from_filter:from_age};
queryString2 = {to_filter:to_age};
window.location.replace('/user?'+ $.param(queryString1) + '&' + $.param(queryString2));
class userController extends AdminController {
function __construct(){
function index(Array $params = []){
$ageSql = "";
if(isset($_GET['from_filter']) && isset($_GET['to_filter'])) {
$from_age = $_GET['from_filter'];
$to_age = $_GET['to_filter'];
$ageSql = "SELECT id FROM user WHERE AGE(timestamp dob) >= $from_age AND AGE(timestamp dob) <= ($to_age)";
$params['queryOptions']['where'][] = "contact_id = $ageSql";
When I tried the above sql into Postgre, I am getting an error that Age is not a function defined. I want all the users in the range of the age user selects in the filter bar. Help is appreciated. TIA