I am developing a PHP package and I have added a testing version to packagist so now I can install my package simply like this composer require timino/timino dev-master
the package is installed correctly However the package is installed inside the vendor folder like so
└── vendor
├── composer
└── timino
└── timino
├── App
└── pub
So it is completely different to my desired structure and in this case i need to point the server root
to a very long path furthermore i need to generate another composer autoload inside . so if it is possible i want to let composer install the package outside vendor to look exactly the same as my local version of the project like so
├── App // business logic
├── pub // public root dir for servers (apache or nginx)
└── vendor // 3rd party
I have seen so far the get composer website documentation on how to install a package in a custom location but i cant seem to find a practical example to my issue.
How can i let composer do so ? thanks.