dqyuipw44576 2017-04-11 08:09
浏览 64


I am using the below code in functions.php to add custom query variables to my WordPress project.

function add_custom_query_var( $vars ){
  $vars[] = "brand";
  return $vars;
add_filter( 'query_vars', 'add_custom_query_var' );

And then on the content page I am using:

<?php echo $currentbrand = get_query_var('brand'); ?>

So now I can pass a URL like:


and get nike in result.

How can I pass multiple values for a brand. So I would like to have 3 values for brand say, nike, adidas and woodland.

I have tried the following and none of them works:

  1. http://myexamplesite.com/store/?brand=nike&brand=adidas&brand=woodland It just returns the last brand, in this case woodland.

  2. http://myexamplesite.com/store/?brand=nike+adidas+woodland This returns all three with spaces. I kind of think this is not the correct solution. So may be there is a correct way to pass multiple values for a query variable and retrieve them in an array may be so that a loop can be run.

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  • dongsui8162 2017-04-11 08:16

    You will need to pass query parameters in this way;


    So, different key for each brand

    On the page, recieving values

    $params = $_GET;
    $brands = array();
    foreach($params as $k=>$v) {
        if(substr($k,0,5)=="brand") {
            $brands[] = $v;


    Using your 2nd method http://myexamplesite.com/store/?brand=nike+adidas+woodland

    $brands = explode(" ", $_GET['brand']);

    Alternative method looks easier

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