douji0073 2017-04-11 05:57
浏览 31


I've an array to reduce to string, but I've to do MANY times so I would like to use some array PHP function (some combination of array_walk, array_reduce,...) but none fit my needs, but I belive there's a solution that I miss. The code have to be PHP5.6 compliant too.

$list =[
    'k1' => 'vA1 vA2 vA2',
    'k2' => 'vB1 vB2 vB2',
    'k3' => '',
    'k4' => 'vC1 vC2 vC2',
    'k5' => NULL,
    'k6' => 'vD1 vD2 vD2',

function reduce($list){
    foreach ($list as $k => $v){
        $_buff.="$_sep$k $v";
        $_sep="; ";
    return $_buff;

echo reduce($list)."

The expected result is

k1 vA1 vA2 vA2; k2 vB1 vB2 vB2; k3 ; k4 vC1 vC2 vC2; k6 vD1 vD2 vD2

Please note the different behavior if value is an empty string or null.

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  • drf21989 2017-04-11 06:46

    I dont think there will be significant execution time difference with foreach or any array_* function. It will matter only if records increase more than 100K I guess.

    $result = array();
    array_walk($list, function($value, $key) use (&$result) {
        if($value!==null) {
            $result[] = $key .' '. $value;
    print_r(implode('; ', $result));

    Why don't you compare the time taken from all answer and choose the best one ;)

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