I am trying to retrieve symbols with their comments using hasMany in laravel 5.3
public function comments() {
return $this->hasMany('App\Comment');
public function symbol() {
return $this->belongsTo('App\Symbol');
when I run:
$symbols = Symbol::with('comments')->paginate(100);
I get the correct output (lists all symbols with their comments)
@foreach ($symbols as $s)
{{ $s->name }}
@foreach ($s->comments as $c)
{{ $c->body }}
but when I add a join to the statement:
$symbols = Symbol::with('comments')
->join('ranks', 'symbols.id', '=', 'ranks.symbol_id')
->join('prices', 'symbols.id', '=', 'prices.symbol_id')
The foreach loop has no comments for every symbol. Any idea why the join would be causing this?