duanchi0883649 2017-01-18 20:03
浏览 85


Hello I think I am really close but I just cant seem to get my statement working correctly

I have a overtime field from Mysql and I can display it but I am trying to make it either checked or not checked depending on if it is a 1 for checked or 0 for not checked. I can show the 1 or the 0 onto a Text field but the checkbox just won't work for me.

echo '<td> Overtime <input type="checkbox" name="chg_hrs_ovt[]"  <? if($list_hours["overtime"]==1){ echo "checked=checked"} ?> >';

My complete code:

// This next section is to load the text fields from the mysql
// this is to collect all of the logged hours on the job sheet and then display
// the hours already entered. 
$hours_query = "SELECT * FROM hours where job_number = '$job_number'";
$hours_result= ($mysqli-> query($hours_query));

// this next section collects the data from the parts table and then adds it to an array
// this then goes into a while statement until it has displayed all of the results it has
// depending on how many parts were used

while ($list_hours = mysqli_fetch_array($hours_result))
    echo " <table border ='0' table width = 70%>";
    echo '<td> <input type="hidden" name="chg_hrs_id[]" value="'.$list_hours['unique_id'].'">';
    echo '<td> Start Time  <input type="time" name="chg_hrs_str[]" value="'.$list_hours['start_time'].'" >';
    echo '<td> Finish Time <input type="time" name="chg_hrs_fin[]" value="'.$list_hours['finish_time'].'">';
    echo '<td> Date Of Work <input type="date" name="chg_hrs_date[]" value="'.$list_hours['date'].'">';
    echo '<td> Ovt Boolean <input type="ovt_Booloean" name="chg_hrs_ovtb[]" value="'.$list_hours['overtime'].'">';
    echo '<td> Overtime <input type="checkbox" name="chg_hrs_ovt[]"  <? if($list_hours["overtime"]==1){ echo "checked=checked"} ?> >';               
    echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";    
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  • duanbu4962 2017-01-18 20:19

    I think you have some Syntax issues. Try the following:

    echo '<td> Overtime <input type="checkbox" name="chg_hrs_ovt[]"' . ($list_hours["overtime"]==1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '') . '>';  
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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