donoworuq450547191 2016-10-27 20:53
浏览 930


Here's how they tell you to do it in the docs.

  <form method="post" action="process.php">
    <div class="wysiwyg">Click here to edit the first section of content!</div>
    <input type="submit">

Then in the head of the document:

tinymce.init({ selector: '.wysiwyg',
        inline: true,

But I need to assign a name to the content of the div so my php processing page can get the content. How would I do this?

I tried to change to the get method, and it seems to use "mce_0" as a name.

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  • dongliu4320 2016-10-27 21:37

    Try to do it manually, for example, put an id to your wysiwyg

    <div id="my-wysiwyg" class="wysiwyg">Click here to edit the content!</div>

    then get the value

    var txt = $('#my-wysiwyg').html();

    then make a post manually

    $.post('my.php', {wysiwyg: txt}, function onSuccess(response){

    Then, in your php, you will get a name wysiwyg. This is just an illustrative example of how you can do it, adapt to your context.

    Check this out. Hope it helps

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