donglu1973 2015-12-10 22:30 采纳率: 100%
浏览 182


i'm entirely new to this site, so i'm sorry in advance if my post is not formatted properly.

Anyway, i have what i expect to be a fairly simple question. I'm extracting values from a "request body"-array-thingy, and i got most of what i need by using these 4 lines of code:

$payment_id = strval($callback_json->id);
$order_id = strval($callback_json->order_id);
$currency = strval($callback_json->currency);
$card_brand = strval($callback_json->metadata->brand);

My problem now is that i've run out talent when trying to get the "amount" value that seems to be a "sub-variable" to "operations".

I've tried doing it like this, but neither of them work:

$amount_total = strval($callback_json->operations[amount]);
$amount_total = strval($callback_json->operations->amount);

So my question now is; How do i format this line to get the value "69500".

I really hope someone out there can help me! :-)


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  • dongnuo6310 2015-12-10 22:40


    $amount_total = strval($callback_json->operations[0]->amount);

    because [ in json is an open tag for an array.

    $val->foo[0]->bar;  # A
    $val->foo[1]->bar;  # B

    Hope that helps.

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