doushi9444 2015-11-16 01:20
浏览 70

当使用$ _POST属性文件名时,如何告诉PHP将文件保存在特定文件夹中?

I'm having some trouble getting my script to save a file in a particular folder, normally the syntax would call for quotes around the entire path but because I'm using $_POST to name the file it just doesn't work out that way. So far this is what I have.

<?php ini_set('display_errors','on'); ?><?php

$fileName= fopen("Submissions/".$_POST['first_name'],'w');
$data= "";

foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
$data.= str_replace("_"," ",$key).":

 ". $value."

"; preg_replace("/[^ 0-9a-zA-Z]/", "_", $value);

fwrite($fileName, $data);

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  • doubeijian2257 2015-11-16 02:04

    You have several problems. First, you have syntax errors. Second, you have serious security vulnerabilities.

    Let's start with the first syntax errors. This line:

    $fileName= fopen(Submissions/$_POST['first_name'],'w');

    Is invalid. You want to use string concatenation, like this:

    $fileName= fopen("Submissions/" . $_POST['first_name'],'w');

    But that's a huge security vulnerability. If $_POST['first_name'] is something bad like ../../../etc/passwd, you could be in for a world of hurt.

    Then there's this:

    fwrite(Submissions/$fileName, $data);

    That's invalid syntax (again, string concatenation) and, again, insecure. It's also just wrong. You need a file resource, not a path name, as the first parameter.

    In both of these places, you must validate the data before using it this way. Otherwise, expect to get hacked repeatedly.

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