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I am currently working through my code and trying to implement measures to protect from SQL injections. My other pages work fine however this page is a little different.
The user is to determine which table they are to delete from, this is by using the $Level variable, (don't worry, this is restricted to three). It worked with the old vulnerable method but doesn't now. Any ideas?
if (isset($_POST['Delete']))
$Level = trim($_POST['Level']);
$UserName = trim($_POST['UserName']);
//----------------Check if Exists------------------//
$Check = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM ? WHERE UserName = ?");
$Check->bind_param('ss', $Level, $UserName);
$result = $Check->get_result();
$count = $result->num_rows;
if ($count>0)
$Confirm= $UserName . ' Deleted';
//----------------Delete SQL-------------------//
$Delete = "DELETE FROM $Level WHERE UserName = '$UserName'";
$Delete = mysqli_query($conn,$sql);
header( "refresh:5;url=stratdeleteuser.php" );
$Confirm= 'No Matches Found';