douzhang8144 2015-07-16 19:56
浏览 44


I'm a Citrix admin, a journeyman PowerShell user, a beginner using PHP. I have though managed to create several PHP pages that run simple PowerShell commands as in this example:

PHP snippet example showing how I successfully run POSH commands:

  $my_array = array(); 
  exec('powershell.exe -command "Get-XAAdministrator|Select -Property AdministratorName,AdministratorType" <NUL ', $my_array);

However when I try to utilize a POSTED variable from a preceding HTML page that asked for a USER ID I can extract that variable just fine in the PHP page. I can echo and display it as JoeB for example on the resultant PHP page. But it needs to be entered into the PHP/PowerShell syntax encased in double quotes.

Thus this PHP snippet does not work:

  $my_array = array();
  exec('powershell.exe -command "Get-XASession | Select -Property servername, accountname, logontime | where {$_.accountname -LIKE $ID}" <NUL ', $my_array);`

This is how it would look and work in a normal powershell console:

Get-XASession  | select -Property servername, accountname, logontime | where { $_.accountname -LIKE "JoeB" } 

(Note that the USER ID JoeB is in double quotes.)

Back to the PHP attempt to do this: - The variable $ID is the USER ID entered into the prior HTML form.

  • It is being extracted from the HTML form as simply JoeB.

  • And if it is entered into the HTML form as "JoeB" and extacted likewise it still does not work.

  • The PHP/PowerShell command actually works, but it displays all XenApp Sessions as it is failing to properly read the value of $ID (accountname) and thus filter the results.

Any guidance is appreciated.

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  • duanpai1033 2015-07-16 20:15

    You are looking for something like the following:

    $my_array = array();
    exec('powershell.exe -command "Get-XASession | Select -Property servername, accountname, logontime | where {$_.accountname -LIKE '.$ID.'}" <NUL ', $my_array);

    The problem you are encountering, is that you cannot substitute a variable in single quotes as you have done there. It only works with double quotes. What I did, is end the string with a quote ' and use a dot . which means "concatenate" and then $Id which is a variable (as a string from POST), and then concatenate again the rest of the string.

    Good luck!




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