doumaoao0182 2014-12-08 23:03
浏览 50


I am just trying to convert some user id's to usernames in from an sql database. I know I shouldn't be using mySQl. I plan on switching over to PDO shortly...

  $getuseridsquery= "SELECT users.username FROM users WHERE IN(". implode( ",", $uids) .")";
  echo $getuseridsquery;
  $getuseridsresult = mysql_query($getuseridsquery);
  $getuseridsresult1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($getuseridsresult);
  echo $getuseridsresult1;

  print '<p>Conversation between ';
  print implode(', ', $getuseridresult1) . ' and ' . $last;
  echo '.</p>';

I am getting:

 array (size=1)
  'username' => string 'ambe5950' (length=8)

when I var dump, so I just need to figure out how to convert that to the sentence below.

Sincere thanks for any help. It is greatly appreciated.

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  • dougou6213 2014-12-08 23:07

    The username part of that output is the index/key in your array. This is akin to what other languages call a Map or a Dictionary, but PHP allows for non-integer indexes in arrays. Simply put, you need to access the value via its index, which in this case is "username":

    $username = $getuseridsresult1['username'];
    echo $username; //prints "ambe5960"

    Also if you're not moving to PDO yet, then you should at the very least change mysql_* to mysqli_*.

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