I have this convoluted query that is getting current inventory levels & converting the units to pounds, then looking at outstanding orders & converting the units to pounds, and finally display a summed amount needed of each ingredient for all outstanding orders.
The purpose is to list the ingredients with a inventory level and then an amount needed to fulfill all outstanding order. If the baker does not have enough flour then he can see this and look into sourcing more before he begins baking for the day.
The problem is then when I run this query it is skipping the first row in the group function. When I run it without grouping it gets all the rows correct, but when i run it with a SUM and GROUP BY it skips the first row so it under calculates that items amount needed value. Any tips? Thanks!
products.id AS product_id,
(orders_items.quantity - orders_items.quantity_baked) AS quantity_to_be_baked,
(SELECT @inventory_pounds:=
CASE inventory.units
WHEN 'kilograms'
THEN 2.20462 * inventory.quantity
WHEN 'pounds'
THEN 1 * inventory.quantity
WHEN 'ounces'
THEN 0.0625 * inventory.quantity
WHEN 'grams'
THEN 0.00220462 * inventory.quantity
END ) as inventory_pounds,
(SELECT @dough_recipe_ingredient_pounds:=
CASE dough_recipes.units
WHEN 'kilograms'
THEN 2.20462 * dough_recipes.amount
WHEN 'pounds'
THEN 1 * dough_recipes.amount
WHEN 'ounces'
THEN 0.0625 * dough_recipes.amount
WHEN 'grams'
THEN 0.00220462 * dough_recipes.amount
END ) AS dough_recipe_ingredient_pounds,
(orders_items.quantity - orders_items.quantity_baked) AS num_loaves_needed,
( SELECT @dough_recipe_yield_pounds:=
CASE doughs.units
WHEN 'kilograms'
THEN 2.20462 * doughs.yield
WHEN 'pounds'
THEN 1 * doughs.yield
WHEN 'ounces'
THEN 0.0625 * doughs.yield
WHEN 'grams'
THEN 0.00220462 * doughs.yield
END ) AS dough_recipe_yield_pounds,
(SELECT SUM( @dough_recipe_ingredient_pounds / @dough_recipe_yield_pounds * weight * (orders_items.quantity - orders_items.quantity_baked))) as amount_needed_for_orders
FROM inventory
LEFT JOIN dough_recipes ON inventory.id = dough_recipes.inventory_id
LEFT JOIN products ON dough_recipes.dough_id = products.dough_id
LEFT JOIN orders_items ON products.id = orders_items.product_id AND (orders_items.quantity - orders_items.quantity_baked) > 0
LEFT JOIN doughs ON doughs.id = products.dough_id