dongtiao2105 2014-07-14 02:17
浏览 41


I didn't have much experiences about the CMS (like wordpess, joomla or movabletype) so I don't know my task is possible or NOT.

My customer, they buy and use the CMS (MovableTypes) to make their website. So now they want me to find or write (Code) the new function for website. That function will be get and show the related blogs (entries) like for example:

"if you go to ebay and click to view a cellphone, the website will give you recommend cellphone which have same properties of the current."

In PHP, I can know how to do this, but in MovableTypes I don't know, have anyone had some experience about the MovableType.

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  • duan20081202 2014-07-14 09:48

    They have documentation for extension development here:

    Whilst following their framework is usually sensible and worth taking the time to do, most CMSs will also usually allow you to find a place to just write in raw PHP via a very basic extension.

    Just make sure you never edit core files.

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