I am trying to create RRD graphs with the help of PHP in order to keep track of the inoctets,outoctets and counter of a server.
So far the script is operating as expected but my problems comes when I am trying to produce 2 or more separate graphs. I am trying to produce (hourly, weekly , etc) graphs. I thought by creating a loop would solve my problem, since I have split the RRA in hours and days. Unfortunately I end up having 2 graphs that updating simultaneously as expected but plotting the same thing. Has any one encounter similar problem? I have applied the same program in perl with RRD::Simple,where is extremely easy and everything is adjusted almost automatically.
I have supplied under a working example of my code with the minimum possible data because the code is a bit long:
$file = "snmp-2";
$rrdFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/snmp-2.rrd";
$in = "ifInOctets";
$out = "ifOutOctets";
$count = "sysUpTime";
$step = 5;
$rounds = 1;
$output = array("Hourly","Daily");
while (1) {
sleep (6);
$options = array(
"--start","now -15s", // Now -10 seconds (default)
"--step", "".$step."",
if ( !isset( $create ) ) {
$create = rrd_create(
if ( $create === FALSE ) {
echo "Creation error: ".rrd_error()."
$t = time();
$ifInOctets = rand(0, 4294967295);
$ifOutOctets = rand(0, 4294967295);
$sysUpTime = rand(0, 4294967295);
$update = rrd_update(
if ($update === FALSE) {
echo "Update error: ".rrd_error()."
$start = $t - ($step * $rounds);
foreach ($output as $test) {
$final = array(
"--start","".$start." -15s",
"--end", "".$t."",
"--title=".$file." RRD::Graph",
"--alt-y-grid", "--rigid",
"--width", "800", "--height", "500",
$outputPngFile = rrd_graph(
if ($outputPngFile === FALSE) {
echo "<b>Graph error: </b>".rrd_error()."
} /* End of foreach function */
$debug = rrd_lastupdate (
if ($debug === FALSE) {
echo "<b>Graph result error: </b>".rrd_error()."
var_dump ($debug);
} /* End of while loop */