I'm working on a facebook app to retrieve information from the user. The overall goal is to make a "interactive story" about the user. So I want the name, birthday etc. But I also want to know their favorite bands. The problem is that I can display the array with all the info needed. But that is to much. I don't want to know the category or the id, I only want to know the name.
$user_music = $facebook->api('/me/music');
print_r ($user_music);
If I use this code, I get something like this:
Array ( [data] => Array (
[0] => Array ( [category] => Musician/band [name] => Red Hot Chili Peppers [created_time] => 2011-03-21T15:01:57+0000 [id] => 8335563918 )
[1] => Array ( [category] => Musician/band [name] => Train [created_time] => 2011-03-21T15:01:57+0000 [id] => 15313895735 ) )
I only want the bands name, but if I use this code:
$user_music = $facebook->api('/me/music');
$music_name = $user_music["name"];
echo $music_name;
it says it doesn't know "name".