My view lets the user see a person's details, including the families they are in. This is done in the DB with a Person table, Family table, and a familyMembership link table between the two.
The relationship in the CActiveRecord model for Person is as such:
'families' => array(self::MANY_MANY, 'Family', 'familymembership(Person, Family)'),
In my person controller, I am wanting to pass a variable into the view that has the related data in a way that TbGridView (CGridView but Bootstrap) will accept (a data provider). The controller calls the person model's getFamilies() function:
public function getFamilies() {
// returns an array of Family objects related to this Person model
$familiesArray = $this->getRelated('families');
// puts this array into a CArrayDataProvider
$families = new CArrayDataProvider($familiesArray);
return $families;
The return value goes back to the controller, which is then handed through in the renderPartial() call. The view has a TbGridView widget initialisation like this:
//the CArrayDataProvider from the model function
'dataProvider' => $families,
'columns' => array(
'name' => 'Family Name',
// Example field from Family model
'value' => '$data->familyName'
However, in doing this I am getting the following error: 'Property "" is not defined. (D:\wamp\www\yii\framework\base\CComponent.php:130)'
The Family model does not have an id property, and I don't understand why the widget is looking for such.
What's going wrong here?