douzuizhuo0587 2014-08-20 06:18 采纳率: 0%
浏览 62


Situation: I have a MySQL database that I would like to backup/export as an sql file. The database has a single table in it that contains a longblob field. I want to export the database without the data/contents of the longblob field.

Problem: Not sure how to export the database without the longblog field's data.

Desired result: A shell/php script or command that will create a sql file containing that database backup without the contents of the longblog field.

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  • dpylt7626401 2014-08-20 06:22

    To skip objects by type, use the --skip option with a list of the objects to skip. This enables you to extract a particular set of objects, say, for exporting only events (by excluding all other types). Similarly, to skip creation of UPDATE statements for BLOB data, specify the --skip-blobs option.

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