doutui6644 2014-03-17 16:14
浏览 85

cookie base64_decode无法正常工作

Im trying to set a cookie when the user selects the checkbox to remember his data. I´m setting cookie and encoding if checkbox is selected:

$cookiesave = base64_encode($adminEmail).'&'.base64_encode($f['pass']);

And then I´m decoding

                $cookie = $_COOKIE['admin'];
                $cookie = explode('&',$cookie);
                $f['email'] = base64_decode($cookie[0]);
                $f['pass'] = base64_decode($cookie[1]);
                $f['save'] = 1;

But despite being doing the decode, the input appears with encrypted password. I have reviewed all the code and everything seems to be right ... can see anything wrong?

My full code:

            $f['email'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']);
            $f['pass']  = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pass']);
            $f['save']  = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['remember']);

                $autEmail = $f['email'];
                $autSenha = md5($f['pass']);
                $readAdmin = read('admins',"WHERE email = '$adminEmail'");
                    foreach($readAdmin as $admin);
                    if($adminEmail == $admin['email'] && $adminPass == $admin['pass'])
                            $cookiesave = base64_encode($adminEmail).'&'.base64_encode($f['pass']);

                        echo 'Wrong Password';
                    echo 'Email dont exist in DB';

            $cookie = $_COOKIE['admin'];
            $cookie = explode('&',$cookie);
            $f['email'] = base64_decode($cookie[0]);
            $f['pass'] = base64_decode($cookie[1]);
            $f['save'] = 1;
            echo '<pre>';

        <form name="login" action="" method="post">
                <input type="text" class="radius" name="email" value="<?php if(isset($f['email'])) echo $f['email']; ?>" />
                <input type="password" class="radius" name="pass" value="<?php if(isset($f['pass'])) echo $f['pass']; ?>" />
            <input type="submit" value="Login" name="sendLogin" class="btn" />

            <div class="remember">
                <input type="checkbox" name="remember" value="1" <?php if(isset($f['save'])) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> /> 
                Remember Acess data!
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  • duankan8739 2014-03-18 20:43

    This is a tested login form (PHP 5.3.18). The comments at the start of the script explains how it works and how to use it.

     * Q22459571
     * a Login script:
     * There are three actions it will do:
     * 1) Display a login screen and process the results
     * 2) Logout a user who has been 'remembered' or 'saved' see 'admin' cookie.
     * 3) Automatically login a user from the details in the admin' cookie.
     * The script action is controlled by a parameter in the URL called 'action'.
     * The 'action' values and results are as follows:
     * 1) action='login'   : will clear any cookies and force the login screen to be shown
     * 2) action='logout'  : will clear any cookies and exit the script
     * 3) missing 'action' parameter : a) try and login using the 'admin' cookie.
     *                                 b) show the login screen if not
     *                                    able to login.
     * The result of the script will be saved in a '$userAuth' array as follows:
     * 1) 'email'       => user email address as stored on the db.
     * 2) 'passhash'    => MD5 hash as stored on the database
     * 3) 'remember'    => boolean to indicate that the user can be logged in
     *                     via the 'admin' cookie
     * 4) 'loginMethod' => '', 'cookie', 'form'
     * 5) 'loginSuccess'=> true | false
     * We will use 'mysqli' functions, prepared queries and 'bind' variables/values
     * User table:
     * store password as a 'salted' hash
     * Columns: 1) email    -- unique id for an admin
     *          2) passhash -- password as a MD5 hash
     *          3) salt     -- random string that we will use as a prefix to the plaintext password
     *                         before we take the md5 hash.
    // database connection...
    $mysqlDb = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'test', 'test', 'testmysql');
    // User Authorization details will always be in here...
    $userAuth = array( 'email' => '', 'passhash' => '', 'remember' => false,
                       'loginMethod' => '', 'loginSuccess' => false);
    // set the login action so we can use it later
    $loginAction = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : '';
     * see what the URL action is
    if ($loginAction == 'logout')
      setcookie('admin', '' , 0, '/'); // delete cookie
      echo 'user logged out';          // do what you wish here
      exit;                            // leave the script
    if ($loginAction == 'login')
      if (!empty($_COOKIE['admin'])) // clear the cookie to force login
        setcookie('admin', '' , time() + 3600, '/'); // will be empty next time
    elseif (!empty($_COOKIE['admin'])) // The cookie should be encrypted -- not in this version.
       $cookie = $_COOKIE['admin'];
       $emailLen = substr($cookie, 0, 3); // get the length
       $b64 = substr($cookie, 3); // get b64 encoded string
       $b64decoded = base64_decode($b64); // convert back to original string
        // split it up...
       $userAuth['email'] = substr($b64decoded, 0, $emailLen);
       $userAuth['passhash']  = substr($b64decoded, $emailLen);
       $userAuth['remember' ]  = 1;
       // ensure user is in the database and the details match...
       $sql = 'SELECT email, salt from admins WHERE email = ? and passhash = ? limit 1';
       $query = mysqli_prepare($mysqlDb, $sql);
       $allOk = mysqli_stmt_bind_param($query, 'ss', $userAuth['email'], $userAuth['passhash']);
       $allOk = mysqli_execute($query);
       $queryResult = mysqli_stmt_get_result($query);
       $admin = mysqli_fetch_array($queryResult);
       $userAuth['loginMethod'] = 'cookie';
       $userAuth['loginSuccess'] =    !empty($admin['email'])
                                   && $admin['email'] === $userAuth['email'];
       if ($userAuth['loginSuccess'])
          echo 'user: ', $userAuth['email'], ' was logged in via the cookie...';
          echo 'user: ', $userAuth['email'], ' cookie details are wrong!!';
     * We may have a login request that we need to check...
     if (isset($_POST['sendLogin'])) // new login attempt
       $userAuth['loginMethod'] = 'form';
       $userAuth['loginSuccess'] = false;
       $userAuth['email']     = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqlDb, $_POST['email']);
       $userPass              = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqlDb, $_POST['pass']);
       $userAuth['remember']  = mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqlDb, $_POST['remember']);
        // will use prepared queries and bind parameters as required
        $sql = 'SELECT email, passhash, salt from admins WHERE email = ? limit 1';
        $query = mysqli_prepare($mysqlDb, $sql);
        $allOk = mysqli_stmt_bind_param($query, 's', $userAuth['email']);
        $allOk = mysqli_execute($query);
        $queryResult = mysqli_stmt_get_result($query);
        $admin = mysqli_fetch_array($queryResult); // admin details
        if (   !empty($userAuth['email']) && $userAuth['email'] == $admin['email']
            && !empty($userPass))
          // calculate the MD5 hash and assume it is ok
          $userAuth['passhash'] = md5($admin['salt'] . $userPass);
        if (!empty($userAuth['passhash']) && $userAuth['passhash'] === $admin['passhash']) // passwords must have matched
            $userAuth['loginSuccess'] = true;
            if ($userAuth['remember' ])
               $emailLen = sprintf('%03u', strlen($userAuth['email']));
               $cookiesave = $emailLen . base64_encode($userAuth['email'] . $userAuth['passhash']);
               setcookie('admin', $cookiesave, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, '/');
               setcookie('admin', '' , 0, '/'); // delete cookie
            setcookie('admin', '' , 0, '/'); // delete cookie if unsuccessful login
            echo 'Wrong Email / Password or both';
     } // end of form login
    // if successful login
    if ($userAuth['loginSuccess'])
      echo 'user: ', $userAuth['email'], ' is  logged in via: ', $userAuth['loginMethod'];
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <title>Enter Login Details</title>
      <form name="login" action="/testmysql/Q22459571_cookie_base64.php
            " method="post">
              <input type="text" class="radius" name="email" value="<?php echo $userAuth['email']; ?>" />
              <input type="password" class="radius" name="pass" value="" />
          <div class="remember">
              <input type="checkbox" id="remember" name="remember" value="1" <?php echo 'checked="checked"' ?> />
              <label  for="remember">Remember Me!</label>
        <input type="submit" value="Login"  name="sendLogin" class="btn" />
    本回答被题主选为最佳回答 , 对您是否有帮助呢?



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